Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday, 2/6

Even if I had the ability to find out the answer, I don't know if I'd want to.

As some of you may know, I kinda (understatement alert) like chocolate. While it's not my favorite food in the world, it probably is in my top five, and I do consume quite a bit of it. Now mind you, the kind of chocolate I do eat—dark chocolate—has less sugar and more antioxidants than the chocolate that the majority of Americans devour, but I don't know that that makes up for the amount of chocolate I consume.

I'm just saying.

With that in mind, during a conversation I was having with someone this weekend about my chocolate consumption, the question was posed—just how much chocolate DO I eat on a weekly basis? How many calories of my weekly intake come from dark chocolate, as opposed to, say, vegetables or fruits?

That's a good question. And, like I said, I'm not sure I want to know the answer.

Part of me feels like I wouldn't be shocked by the number; after all, my entire diet isn't chocolate and, as I keep saying, the chocolate I do eat is the “better” chocolate than most (“better”, of course, being a comparative term). So maybe I'd see the figure, shrug my shoulders at its insignificance, and move on with life.


I'd see the figure, give an audible “yelp” at the scope of it, and vow never to eat the food again, even though both you and I and everyone I've ever met knows that's a vow I could in no way, shape, or form keep.

It would be one of the two. I have the feeling there's no middle ground here.

Maybe—just maybe—one of these days I'll sit down and figure it out. Maybe—just maybe—one of these days my curiosity and/or sense of masochism will get the best of me and I'll look at the empty wrappers in the garbage, pull them out, and do a little math. Or maybe—just maybe—I'll realize that despite the purported health benefits of dark chocolate the calorie count just isn't worth it.

Of course, that would be the day that hell freezes over and/or the Lions win the Super Bowl (actually both one in the same), but you never know. Stranger things have happened, right?

I just don't know if they'll happen with me figuring out just how much chocolate I eat on a weekly basis. Maybe there are some things that we are better off just not knowing.



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