Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday, 10/20

It all started because I needed to dig something out of my backpack.

Let's review, shall we? I had an idea for a blog this past Friday, and promptly forgot about it. I spent the weekend trying to remember what that idea was, to no avail. Then the idea finally reappeared to me Monday night, after which I had no time to write about it, because I had to shoot three segment of the TV show I host yesterday.

That brings us to now. What was the blog topic that's been taking up waaaaay too much space in my brain the past few days? Well, it came to me when I had to dig through my backpack to find something Friday, and I discovered I had three masks buried deep within the folds of my bag.

So the topic was (or is) just how many masks do we have lying around and don't even know about?

I know; I myself am trying to decide if the topic is worthy of all the brainpower I've devoted to it the past five days. But that's neither here nor there. It's the topic that (almost) drove me insane, and it is a valid one. In the past year and a half just how many masks HAVE we accumulated, whether it's in a purse or car glove compartment or in jacket pockets or, as in my case, a backpack? I'd venture to guess that the number's probably a bit higher than one would think.

Especially since, in the Before Times, we never would have thought about accumulating masks like we do gum wrappers or pocket fuzz.

And it's not just finding our own masks everywhere we look. If you spend as much time walking as I do you'll notice all kinds of discarded and/or lost masks floating around on the streets or in the drains. If I wanted to be snarky, I could make the claim that old masks have become the new cigarette butts, as least as far as street trash goes, and I probably wouldn't be wrong.

Like I said, they're everywhere you look.

So if you get bored, take a look through your jackets and purses and backpacks and glove compartments. Figure out how many old and long-forgotten masks you have in there. That way, maybe some of the brain power I've devoted to the subject the past five days would not have been in vain.

Because, you know, I are an idiot for not remembering it in the first place.


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