Thursday, May 23, 2019

Thursday, 5/23

Okay. Maybe it was much ado about nothing.

Here's your weekly lilac update--

While they have grown a little since last week, I was obviously wrong about them blooming just as Loraine and I head downstate for the Memorial Day weekend. Unless there's something so bizarre with the universe that they bloom later today or tonight, I'm pretty sure we're safe until we get back Tuesday. I'm happy about that. A little disappointed that my lilac-growth estimation skills are so far off, but happy that I'll get the full lilac blooming and sniffing experience this year.

Assuming, of course, it ever happens. With the way things are going this year, I'm taking nothing for granted.

So I now have two things to look forward to after our return—lilacs and street construction. But before we return to enjoy both of those (although, perhaps, not in equal measure) we actually have to leave for a few days and head down to the awesome flatness of Reese--

Aside from visiting Loraine's family for a few days, we also have another purpose for going down, and that's to congratulate Loraine's nephew Jeremy on his graduation from high school. You may remember the saga of Jeremy from a few years ago, when he was diagnosed with a form of childhood leukemia. He beat it and has gone on to a very healthy life filled with everything from playing high school football to becoming one of the biggest Doors fans of his generation. So his graduation weekend was one thing we could not miss, even if we'll miss the actual ceremony tonight.

It'll be a nice weekend visit. And as an added bonus? The weather forecast shows at least one of the days we'll be down there the temperatures should hit 80. Yes, 80. Or to put it another way, only about 25 or so degrees warmer than it's supposed to be here in Marquette.

Not that I'm rubbing it in or anything.

Because of that, I'll be gone for a few days. There won't be one of these tomorrow, nor Tuesday. At least there won't be one of these Tuesday morning. However, because of the way we drive (me in the UP, Loraine downstate) I have a three hour ride Tuesday morning during which I can write something, and even post it, should I feel ambitious. So if you wanna check back Tuesday afternoon, there may be something new. If not, there's always Wednesday morning. I do guarantee that.

On that note, have yourself a safe (and hopefully mitten free) holiday weekend!

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