Friday, June 9, 2017

Friday, 6/9

It may be the strangest Christmas gift I've ever received.

First of all, let me explain why I'm talking about Christmas presents in the middle of June. When Loraine's parents came up for the Memorial Day weekend they brought gifts from Loraine's niece and nephews that were a little too big or too fragile to ship. So we got to open them at the end of last month, and I've spent the last two weeks looking at what may be the most bizarre (in a very good way) gift I've ever been given.

Specifically, this--

What it is, you ask? Well, I answer, it is a display case containing a package of Apollo-Soyuz commemorative cigarettes.

What? You've never been given 42-year old space-themed cigarettes in a display case for Christmas?


You all know I'm a space geek, with quite the collection of space memorabilia. But even I have never heard of ANYTHING like this pack of Apollo-Soyuz commemorative cigarettes. In fact, never even in my wildest imagination could I even have considered something like a pack of Apollo-Soyuz commemorative cigarettes. Yet I now own them.

Is this an amazing world or what?

Loraine's nephew Nathan found them in an antique store in Bay City, and immediately thought I would go bonkers over them, which I did. It's nice that when he thinks of me he thinks of space. But what he may not know is that the Apollo-Soyuz mission, flown in 1975 as a sign of detente between the US and the (then) Soviet Union, was the first ever space launch I saw in person. So the flight has always had a spot in my heart, and now to be given this gift is actually kind of sweet.

Plus, consider this, as well—as an avid non-smoker, these are the only cigarettes I'll ever own (and yes, the package DOES contain the original 42-year old product).

Somewhere in the boxes of crap I have spread around I have a few souvenirs that I picked up during the flight. I have no ideas where they are, nor do I have any idea if they're even still in good shape. But if I ever get a few minutes (or hours), I should dig them up, clean them off, and put together a whole little Apollo-Soyuz monument.

With, of course, the commemorative cigarettes as the centerpiece.

On that wildly absurd note, that's it for this week. Have a great weekend; get out and enjoy some of the warmth!!

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