Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday, 2/19

To blog, or not to blog. That is the question.

One of the many thing I had hoped to get to this weekend before getting sucked down the “Live From Daryl's House” rabbit hole was to get our trip blog up to date with a few housekeeping matters. As you know, I usually write blogs when we're in Europe, and as you know, we're heading there in just over two months. So I wanted to get a few things ready for that. But the more I thought about it (and me thinking, as we all know, can be a dangerous thing), the more I started to wonder--

Should I do it this time around? Do I need to do it this time around? I'm not quite sure.

Let me explain the rationale behind this—the trip we're making to Germany in two months is almost the exact same trip that we made last year. We're flying into Berlin, taking the train to Leipzig, going to a soccer match, and then spending the rest of the trip exploring the city. Literally, the only difference this time around is that we're not going to Weissenfels for a day (Weissenfels being the place where Loraine's the most famous American ever to visit).

So will there be anything new for me to write about?

If you read the blogs from last year you may remember that aside from the match against Freiburg and Loraine's press conference in Weissenfels I wrote mainly about Leipzig, its beauty, and its history, especially regarding the fall of Communism and the Berlin Wall. This time around, we're looking forward to exploring more of that beauty and more of that history. Sure, we'll be in different parks and exploring different parts of the city, but will it be different enough so that I can write something original, and not just repeat myself?

That's why I'm not quite sure about writing them this time around.

I've thought about doing something different this time around; maybe something along the lines of shooting a video at a significant place and then posting it in lieu of a blog. But for that to look & sound good we might need some extra equipment, and since we're only going over for nine days we try to travel as light as possible. I've also thought about doing just photo essays and cutting back on the writing, but sometimes you need one to compliment the other. If that were to be the case, then I should just write the blogs, even though I've already written about a lot of the things we'll be seeing & doing.

See my quandary?

I still have two months to figure it out; I'm sure some kind of solution or some kind of compromise will pop into my head by then. Heck, if nothing else, I could always post more “Live From Daryl's House” videos and call it a trip, right?

Don't worry. I won't be doing that. But if you have thought on the matter; if you've enjoyed reading the blogs and want me to continue, or if you have an idea I've not yet thought about, let me know. For the moment, at least, I'm open to any and all suggestions.

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