Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Tuesday, 6/4

It's a number about which I was curious.

Like most people, I have several graduations parties on the schedule in June. One was this past Sunday, while two more are at the same time in a couple of weekends (and that should make scheduling getting to them quite fun). Of course, when you're invited to a graduation party you're guaranteed three things—a lot of food, a graduate who's forced to tell people she or he doesn't even know what they're doing with their future, and a card, usually filled with money.

And that's what I was curious about.

It's been a couple of hundred years since I graduated from anything, so I was wondering just how much cash a new graduate can rake it. Thankfully, we have Google for that, and courtesy of the great gods of Google I was able to find out that the average high school graduate in 2024 will find themselves with an extra $1,300 after their gradation party.

That's not a bad chunk of change.

Of course, I know that for students going off to college $1,300 will just buy a couple of books and maybe four pizzas, so they really welcome the money. Whether or not it's worth spending four hours telling your mother's great aunt's ex-husband what your plans are after school depends upon the individual, but I could think of worse ways to make $1.300.

Really, I could.


Last night's TV thing was a group affair, as I was provided a couple of pictures by Loraine's niece Katrina, who held a rummage sale a few weeks ago and was the first person I thought of when I realized I had absolutely no pictures of rummage sales anywhere in the 22-year collection of shots on my laptop.

So thanks, Kat. If anyone wants to see how she contributed (or how I babbled on and on about rummage sales) just CLICK OR TAP HERE!


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