Monday, June 17, 2024

Monday, 6/17

In the end, there were just too many jokes I had used before.

I had an idea for tonight's “Life in the 906” I was working on, kind of riffing on lists and one liners I've been collecting for a while. I put a rough draft of it together, and realized, much to my horror, that the idea was just a different riff on several pieces I've already done, Now only that, but I think I had used most of the jokes in various bits & pieces over the past almost two years I've been doing the TV gig. And since I really don't wanna repeat myself, I moved on to something new.

However, since I haven't used the idea in here yet (at least, I don't think I have), why let all that work go to waste? So, to make sure that I wring every drop of blood possible from every single thing I write, I hereby present to you something that may sound familiar if you're a TV viewer yet something that (hopefully) seems fresh to blog readers and radio listeners--


7. If you've never—even in a dream—thought about buying a pick-up truck.

6. If, when someone says “hilltop”, you think of a mountain, and not a sweet roll.

5. If you don't salute when you hear the name Vince Lombardi.

4. If you don't own a single piece of clothing in hunter's orange.

3. If you've never gone ice fishing, because you're afraid of cold feet.

2. If you realize the Appleton is NOT the shopping capital of the universe.

And the number one sign you may not be a true Yooper?

1. If you've ever—even once and even by accident—pronounced it PAY-stee

That's it. And in the end, what did I come up with for TV tonight? Tune in and find out.



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