Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday, 6/20

I know I keep saying my life is weird, but my life really IS increasingly weird.

Apparently I'm now a Tik Tok star.

I'm not quite sure how that happened. All I know is that Emily Varga, who's my co-hort at the Marquette Regional History Center when it comes to social media and the posting of all the videos I make, put together what she described as a “Gen Z” trend—a rapid cut edit of random comments by me, interspersed with weird faces I made, all that she shot when I put together a promotional video for “Legends & Lore” back in January. She didn't tell me she was doing it, but I found out when she sent me the link in an email that also mentioned the video, in the three days since she put it up, has been viewed almost 700,000 times.


I don't know how these things happen; I really don't. I guess I just do things that no one else does and know people, like the amazing Emily, who does something special with them. If you had told me earlier this year that I'd become a budding Tik Tok star I would have laughed, but with the way the last few months have been going nothing surprises me any more.


Perhaps even better than the number of views the video has received were the hundreds of comments left on the video. Almost all of them were amazingly positive, with people saying things like “He's so adorable”, “I need me one of him”, and (from someone who I'm guessing is local) “Jim's an absolute legend”. I just kept reading the comments and kept laughing to myself because...

Well, I'm not sure why. Except for the fact that my life is weird. And it seems to keep getting weirder.

Wanna see the You Tube version of the video?


Oh, and speaking of how weird my life is, how many people showed up for "Walk on the Wild Side" last night?

Have I ever mentioned my life is weird?



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