Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday, 6/3

I realized I hadn't spent a lot of time with them, and figured I should before they disappeared. And I'm glad I did.

With everything that went on in the just completed month of May, something rather important fell by the wayside—spending time with lilacs. Sure, I stopped and sniffed my favorite bush on the way to and from work each day, but I really hadn't wandered about the city, connecting with them. But since they're (sadly) on the downside of their lives, I figured I probably should.

So that's one of the (many) things I did over the weekend.

I have several favored lilac spots, including Father Marquette Park--

And it seems like I wasn't the only one enjoying them there--

However, just about anywhere you wander throughout the city, you'll be greeted by bushes in full bloom--

And, of course, I had to spend a few seconds with the ones I pass by each and every day--

Sadly, they'll be gone soon, so I'm glad I was able to spend a few moments with them before they leave us (actually a metaphor for many things in life). Of course, if someone could figure out a way to have them bloom year-round that would be amazing, and make scheduling a whole lot easier. I mean, I know that won't happen, but a boy can dream right?


Thanks, lilacs of 2024, and sorry our time together was so short!


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