Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday, 6/10

They're all quite interesting. I just haven't made up my mind on them yet.

Believe it or not, it's been a month & two days since Loraine and & I left for Germany (wild, right?). As I wrote before we left, one of the things I love about Germany is their tea; you can walk into any German grocery store and choose from dozens (if not hundreds) of different flavors from which to sample. So I sampled. In fact, here's what I bought while over there--

A couple of them were teas I love and bought more of—green tea with orange and ginger, and the legendary fennel-anise-carraway seed tea that causes people to roll their eyes but causes my tastebuds to scream out in pleasure. There were, however, a couple I've never tried, and those are the ones that I've been trying to form an opinion of the past few weeks. Going from left to right in the picture, they are...

A vanilla-blueberry mix,

A plum-cinnamon combination,

And a strawberry-mint concoction.

Of the three, the vanilla-blueberry has a very unique taste. In fact, it's one that I could see entering the pantheon of  Jim's Great German Teas ™ , but I have to sample it a little more to make that decision. The plum-cinnamon is okay; I don't know if this makes sense or not, but it tastes more like a “winter” tea to me, so perhaps in a few months (sadly) when the weather starts to turn (assuming, of course, we actually HAVE a winter this year) my opinion of it will have changed.

And then there's the strawberry-mint. One of my favorite German teas every is a strawberry-mint Rooibos tea that you can only get if you have a hotel that serves Eilles-brand teas; you can't buy it in a store (and trust me, I looked). By itself, the strawberry-mint tea (which was the closest analogue of it I could find in stores) really doesn't do much for me. However, I just picked some plain Rooibos tea, and when I have a little calm in my life (as well as a clean palate) I'll steep the two bags together in an attempt to create my own strawbery-mint-Rooibos tea.

Will it work? Well, even if it doesn't taste the same as the kind I so adore, at least I'll be drinking German tea, which means that it won't be a waste of my time. Wish me luck!


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