Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday, 6/18

The next few days are gonna be weird.

Between big tours, days off, and Loraine's brother coming up to visit I have a feeling that I won't know left from right, up from down, or yesterday from today. I mean, I normally don't know any of that anyway, but with everything out of the ordinary going on it'll be about 1,000 times worse.

If that's even possible.

Tomorrow I have off from work (at least my radio job), but I do have my big Jim Koski ™ walking tour for the History Center. Or, at least I do if it doesn't rain (which it's supposed to). Loraine's brother is also scheduled to come up, which will make for a busy day. I work (at least my radio job) Thursday, which is also the make up day for “Walk on the Wild Side”, although, as I write this, it could also rain Thursday and wash it out for a second day in a row. I then took Friday off, have graduation parties up the wazoo Saturday, and, somewhere in there, also have to write a TV spot & get the graphics together for Monday.

To quote a great American philosopher, I'll sleep when I'm dead.

I'd like to say it'll get easier, but next week I then have to work ahead because I get two days off the following week, for the Fourth of July. And that brings up a totally unrelated, but not unimportant point—how did we get to the Fourth of July already? Wasn't it just St Patrick's Day a few weeks ago???

Anyway, I guess I'm writing this for a few reasons—if you come back here tomorrow and there's nothing here, it's because I'm off. If you try listening to me on Friday and I'm not here, it's because I'm off. And if you see me wandering around on a sidewalk and I look like I'm in a different space-time continuum...

Well, it's because I probably am.


Those are my pre-emptive excuses for the next few days. I mean, I hope I won't have to use them, but just in case I do, they're now all set. Back Thursday with details on how the tour went...or didn't go. Wish us luck!


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