Thursday, June 13, 2024

Thursday, 6/13

I appreciate the kind words, but the possibility does exist that I take too many pictures of them.

I've heard from several people about my “Life in the 906” from this past Monday, in which I came out (to those who don't know) as a lilac-holic. I showed a lot of the lilac pictures I've taken recently (a LOT) and talked about my love for them.

And to everyone who's commented on it, thanks, It's always nice to know I don't suck.

In the bit I joked that I take way too many pictures of lilacs, and while I personally believe you never CAN take too many pictures of them I was astounded by the sheer number I had to go through to select the ones I ended up using. Seriously...I've been shooting digital pictures for 21 years now. Every year I take, on average, 30 pictures of lilacs. To save you from doing the math in your head, that means I have almost 700 pictures of the blooms that I had to choose from.

Is approximately 700 (and counting) pictures of lilacs too many? I personally don't think so, but I could also see the other side of the argument, should someone want to make it.

During the bit I had a couple pieces of B-Roll, which is video that goes along with what I'm saying. I put one together of just blooms, while another featuring blooms with Marquette landmarks behind them. That video seems to have caught the fancy of several people who commented, and since it'll otherwise just sit in my laptop unseen forever, wanna see (in TV parlance) “Lilac Flip B”?

Now, if I didn't have 700 (and counting) pictures of lilacs sitting on my laptop, think I could have come up with B-Roll like that?


Speaking of TV-19 news, I'm on again tonight talking about next week's Jim Koski ™ walk tour, entitled “Walk on the Wild Side: The Very Historical (Yet Occasionally Sketchy) Story of Founder's Landing”. Check it out if you're bored; Sarah says I can even talk about the hookers who play a surprisingly outsized role in the tour.

Yes, I know. I'm incorrigible.


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