Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday, 8/16

Well, this is awkward.

Remember yesterday when I left you with a few pictures because I had to run out and do something? And how I promised I'd tell you the story of what I did? Well, I have to run out and do something AGAIN this morning, so I'm going to have to leave you with something old again today.


However, I'm hoping that this doesn't happen again tomorrow (although, after this week, I'm not making any promises). THAT'S when I'll tell you what I did yesterday.


On that note, here's an oldie but goodie. And very appropriate for today.



(as originally posted 8/16/17)

I'm curious. How many of your celebrate your date-i-versary? How many of you even know what, assuming you're part of a couple, your date-i-versary is?

How many of you are wondering just what the heck a date-i-versary is?

Like I said, I'm curious. Loraine and I are celebrating our date-i-versary today, a date-i-versary (aside from being a word that no spell check program ever recognizes, much less authorizes as being a proper word) being the anniversary of your first date. Loraine and I went out for the first time (as a couple, as opposed to in a group of friends) on August 16th, so that's our “date-i-versary”. And I'm curious because to the few people with whom I've discussed the subject, they either give me a blank look because they don't remember, or they give me that “Jim, you're weird, you know that?” look I seem to get a lot in my life.

It's funny, because if you're part of a married couple or in a long-term relationship, your date-i-versary is a big part of your life. It's when the two of you became “the two of you”. In fact, I would even posit that it's more important than an actual wedding anniversary. After all, that's just marking the date that you signed a piece of paper, whereas your “date-i-versary” marks the beginning of whatever kind of relationship you're in.

Yes, I'm weird, I know that. But that's why August 16th is always a big date for me.

What's more, you can't walk into a store and buy a date-i-versary card. You can buy a crapload of anniversary cards, but nothing that marks the real beginning of your relationship. It's not fair to people who celebrate that milestone, and it's certainly not fair to people who've decided that marriage just isn't for them. I know people who've been together for years, who are incredibly happy, and yet who can't buy a card that marks the beginning of their relationship because no one seems to think that a date-i-versary is a big thing.

And in case you're wondering...yes, I have been pondering the design of a line of date-i-versary cards. Seems like it would be a home-run idea of a business decision.

I'll shut up now. After all, when I get home from work I don't want Loraine to give that “Jim, you're weird, you know that?” look that other people give me when I start talking about things like date-i-versaries. Just let me say that Loraine is an amazing woman for putting up with someone who goes on and on (and on) about things like date-i-versaries.

So happy date-i-versary, Loraine. Thanks for being someone who actually knows what something like a date-i-versary is!

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