Monday, August 7, 2023

Monday, 8/7

I'm not quite sure I liked what I saw.

First of all, happy Monday (assuming, of course, that's not an oxymoronic statement). Hope you had a great weekend, and were able to enjoy the nice weather we had Saturday. I myself was out most of the day, and when I walked past something that I saw out of the corner of my eye, I stopped. I looked. I sighed in disgust. And I whipped out my phone and took a picture.

This picture--

I know it's not the best in the world (it IS a phone picture, after all) but I'm pretty sure you can see what made me stop, look, and sigh.

Should leaves REALLY be changing color at the beginning of August?

I know we've had wacky weather this year. I know we've broken the planet. Heck, I write about it enough. But to have a bunch of leaves start to change this early?

That's kind of freaky.

Because it IS so freaky, I actually looked to see if they were on a broken branch or in some other way distressed. And as far as I could tell, they weren't. They felt like they were getting enough water, the branch on which they sat wasn't broken, and, as far as I could tell, they just decided to change color now, like they hit the lottery at the age of 40 and decided to retire early.

Really, really early.

Hopefully this was just a freak occurrence. Hopefully, I won't be coming across any more leaves changing color, at least for a few weeks. Our summer's been short (and cold and wet) enough as it is. To actually see a sign that's it's drawing to an end is just a little too much.


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