Friday, August 4, 2023

Friday, 8/4

I found the picture fascinating.

A couple of days ago someone sent me a picture they had found while going through some old belongings. They figured the picture would interest me for several reasons, and they were right on all those counts.

Here it is—the block of Front Street in downtown Marquette where I work, but from 1958--

The brown building on the right hand side of the picture is indeed the Pythias Building, the building where the station's been located for 20 years. The big white building next to it? The old (second) Clifton Hotel, which burned to the ground seven years after the picture was taken. And on the left hand side of the picture? The would be the old Union National Bank, where Range bank is now located, as well as one of the old Spears buildings, which is now where the Range Bank parking lot now sits.

Yup. That picture DOES interest me.

I've written in here before about a dream of mine that will never come true, the dream of being able to travel back in time a century with a modern DSLR camera and just take pictures of everything that used to be here. While I can never do THAT, a picture like this is almost (almost) fulfilling the dream, allowing me to get a glimpse (in color) of what the city looked like years before I was born.

And that is so cool.

So thanks to the individual who sent me the shot (they wish to remain anonymous). I'm honored that you thought to share it with me, and providing me with the chance to, in a way, live a dream I know I'll never be able to live in real life.

I appreciate it!


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