Thursday, August 10, 2023

Thursday, 8/10

This is the weekend our differences once again come to the fore.

Like most married couples, Loraine and I are different people. We act differently, we do things differently, and we have outlooks that are different, as well. Usually, we compliment each other, but we have discovered that in one very small way those differences may be a little too big to bridge.

And that's knowing who wins soccer matches.

As you know, our preferred team is RB Leipzig. Because they play in Germany their matches (usually) take place early in the morning over here. We'll record them to watch later that night. And that points out the big gap between my dear life partner and I. You see, I prefer to watch the recording not knowing what's happened, while she wants to know what occurred, when it occurred, and why..

See what I mean?

With it being a sporting event, I want to watch it like it's live, so I can get into the spills, thrills, and emotions of the event. Loraine doesn't. And that's okay; every person approaches things differently, and her way is just as good as mine. But after she spends hours pouring over the event and what occurred during it, sometimes I'll be able to pick up, even through the tone of her voice, what may (or may not) have happened.. So sometimes I'll go into the event knowing the outcome, if not the particulars of it. Of course, sometimes her habit comes in handy, especially on those rare occasions when they lose badly and she'll say “we don't have to watch the game”.

Thankfully, those occasions are few and far between.

Saturday, though, might be one of those occasions, as they open their season in the German Supercup against their bete noire, Bayern Munich. Leipzig has only beaten Bayern twice in their eight year existence, and as someone who spent the 00s watching the Indianapolis Colts constantly losing to their bete noire, the New England Patriots, I have a little case of PTSD each time the two German teams hit the pitch.

Hopefully, the match won't be one of those where Loraine says “we don't have the watch the game”. But if it is, it'll be one of those rare examples when that one big difference between me and Loraine could actually be a good thing.


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