Monday, June 6, 2022

Monday, 6/6

I wonder what happened to the piece of chocolate?

You may recall last Tuesday, my final day as an employee of Taconite Broadcasting, when I spent most of my day mired in a power outage. I spent three hours of my afternoon waiting for the electricity to be restored following a transformer fire up the street, and during that time my office was encased in total darkness.

Now, I wasn't in my office that much during that time, trying to do whatever work I could in our front office, which has huge windows looking out onto the sidewalk and letting in a huge amount of natural light. But every so often I did have to venture back to my office, if for no other reason than that's where my chocolate stash resides. When I needed a fix snack, I'd use the flashlight function on my phone, go back and get a piece, and then venture back into the light.

I'm sure there's a metaphor for my chocolate addiction in there somewhere. I just don't know if I should go looking for it.

Anyway, one of the times I went back to get a fix nibble I dropped a piece on the floor. Looking around with the light off my phone, I couldn't see it anywhere. When the power came back on I checked, and still couldn't find it anywhere. Even this past weekend, when I was here catching up on a few things, I searched near and far, and came up empty handed.

So just what DID happen to that piece of chocolate I dropped during the power outage last Tuesday?

Now, I know I did drop a piece that day. It was the last chunk of a little 70% bar I picked up at Aldi when we were visiting Loraine parents a few weeks ago, and it's one of my favorite bars (at least among those you can buy in the US). With everything that was going on that day, I was looking forward to the last bite of the bar, and when I dropped it I was even going to violate the five-second rule once I found it.

THAT'S how much I was looking forward to eating it.

But now it belongs to the universe, I guess, proving that even the universe has a sweet tooth and appreciates just how darn good that particular kind of chocolate is. I still have a few more bars of it, so it's not like I'm going without. But still, I would really, really like to know--

Just whatever DID happen to that piece of chocolate?


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