Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday, 8/20

 How much watching time do you have this weekend?

It's a question the New York Times asks every Friday, and it actually makes me shake my head just a little, pre-supposing as it does that you have nothing to do with your weekend other than bingeing a TV show. I mean, whatever happened to playing outside? Visiting family and/or friends? Taking care of chores?

But I digress.

The reason I asked the question this that there's a show I just finished watching (and not in a binge) that I highly recommend--”Icon: Life Through the Lens”, a six part PBS show on music photographers and their experiences over the past six decades. It's a fascinating documentary series with people who've been on the front lines of music since the 60s, and well worth the time of anyone who's interested in music or in photography (or, like some of us, both). You hear some amazing stories and see some amazing work spread over over the six hours, and after a bit you actually come away with an appreciation of the fact that these photographers were incredible artists.

As is pointed out in the show, no ever really thinks of music photography as art, but once you see some of the shots and hear yourself softly mutter “wow” when they pop up on screen, you realize just how artistic it all is.

And that's a good thing.

So if you have some “watching time” this weekend, check it out on On-Demand, on the PBS app, or however else you stream Public TV these days. I hope you won't be disappointed.


I know I won't be watching too much TV myself this weekend, as I have to get ready for a dock tour Monday morning and two shows Tuesday and Wednesday night at the Lake Superior Theater. More on those Monday, after I have a rather serious discussion with whichever bonehead is in charge of scheduling my life.

Oh, wait...



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