Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday, 7/14

 My ex coworker is really, really pissed.

Don't believe me?  Take a look for yourself--

If looks could kill, right? But almost four months after the doves started to roost in the awning at the entrance of the station, they have been kicked out, thanks to plywood, caulking, a fishing net, and the determined labor of employees of the people who own the building.  Look--no more holes in the awning!

However, it did take two people over an hour to get rid of the three birds who had actually found a way INTO the building. Not just into the awning, but into the rafters of the building itself.  They had to run out, buy a fishing net, and then gently remove the doves using said net. We were all surprised that there was no nest to be found; with some of the ruckus you heard from the birds I could have sworn there were a dozen of them. But nope—there were just the three.

And now there's no way to get back in.

That didn't stop one of the birds—the one in the picture—from flying around for an hour or two, trying to poke his/her/its way in. Apparently, birds can be quite stubborn, which is probably the big lesson I've learned from having them for office-mates lo these past few months. But I think it finally gave up and has moved on to an easier area in which to roost, which means that I now get to continue working alone again.

For the seventeenth straight month.

So if you happen to be in downtown Marquette the next few days and happen to see, well, three homeless birds trying to peck their way into another building, you'll know where they came from.

They used to be my coworkers.


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