Thursday, July 1, 2021

Thursday, 7/1

 I wonder what it's gonna look like next year at this time?

First of all (because I know you're waiting with bated breath) the pop-up dock history tour did go off as scheduled last night, despite the rather wacky weather (sunny & hot in the morning, cold & thunder in the afternoon, weirdly foggy but warm & rather humid when we actually did it). I had no idea how many people would show up, so when 35 or 40 people showed up--in 36 hours notice--I was quite satisfied.

By accounts a good time was had by all, so I think we'll have to do it again!

Now, onto the question I was pondering. During the sunny & hot part of yesterday I played hooky for a bit to play in the sun. And when I was down at South Beach I noticed that work has begun on demolishing the old decommissioned Shiras coal power plant--

The picture's from my phone, so it's not the best in the world, but some of the out buildings are already gone and the big crane is getting ready to take the two big towers down. The work seems to be going quite quickly, which means that by this time next year there will just be a dock and a transformer farm left.

But I wonder what the rest of it will look like?

The Marquette Board of Light & Power is in the process of deciding what to do with the rest of the land. They may need to keep it for their use. They may give part of it back to the city. They may donate part of it for an expansion of South Beach. Since that hasn't been decided yet no one's quite sure what it'll look like on, say, June 30th, 2022.

We just know it'll look a whole lot different. And in this case, that's a good thing. A real good thing.


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