Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday, 7/12

 He, she, or they are back.

I don't know if you remember this or not, but 11 or 12 years ago there was a mystery artist in Marquette. This person's canvas of choice was a priority mail label; they would draw something on the label, stick it on a stop sign, and repeat. I wrote a couple of blogs about the work, and in response my name started showing up in some of the artwork, as well as on utility poles--

Then, as soon as they appeared, they disappeared, and I never found out who was behind them. I have no idea if it was one person, or several people acting in concert. That was a decade or more ago. Then, a week ago, on a stop sign right near the station, I saw this--

The same canvas of choice, the same style, the same everything. They're back, if only temporarily!

I've only seen two of them so far, on either end of the 100 block of West Bluff Street right around the corner form the station. I have no idea if they were placed there on purpose, or if there are more of them I just haven't seen yet. But, in a way, it's kind of nice. Kind of like, oh, running into an old school classmate on the street. You can say “hey” and catch up, but then go your own way.

So, to whoever's behind the mystery art, “hey”. Nice to see you again. Hope things are going well. And keep up the good work.


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