Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Wednesday, 12/2

 This may be turning into “Birthday at the Beach” all over again.

Some of you may remember four or five years ago when it was mild few days heading into my birthday and I actually (as a gag) went to the beach on my big day. I did it because after mentioning it a few times on the air it seemed to touch a nerve with a lot of people; even Loraine was getting people she works with ask if I was actually going to the beach in December.

On occasion, especially on an occasion like that, I get reminded about the power of radio.

Anyway, something (kind of) along those lines seems to be happening again. My birthday is Friday, so as a gag (or, mostly as a gag) I decided that we'd figure out Upper Michigan's favorite Hall & Oates song on “Upper Michigan's Favorite Friday”. In the promo I wrote for it I had our announcer mention that we're doing it because it's my birthday and because I wanted to listen to Hall & Oates songs all day.

I mean,'s a joke. But I COULD think of worse ways to spend my birthday.

Anyway, since the promo started airing over the weekend I've had over half a dozen people call or e-mail in their requests for Hal & Oates songs as a birthday gift to me. As one lady said, “Why should you have to wait until your birthday to hear a song. Play one for yourself now”.

Wow. I had no idea that a). people actually listened to those promos, and 2). that they cared enough to want me to have a nice birthday. But like I said, on occasion I get reminded about the power of radio.


I'm glad to know that that power is still around; after almost a year of me working alone and listeners having their lives and their listening patterns disrupted I was starting to wonder things were still working the way they were supposed to. But this kind of reaction, especially for something as dorky as a bunch of Hall & Oates songs, lets me know that despite everything going on some things never change.

And that's kind of a cool gift as we're heading toward me getting another year older. Sure, it's not me spending my birthday at the beach (although I could, because the forecast does call for sun (and, uhm, 36 degrees)), but this year, especially, I'll take what I can get.


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