Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thursday, 12/5

You know, I’m thinking this would be a good time for me to make a plea I make every year, and that plea is this--

If you have the chance, can you please shovel the sidewalk by your house?
Here’s why. As many of you know, I walk to work every day, and I find myself dodging cars a lot more than I used to.  It seems that after the big snows of the past week people aren't keeping their sidewalks clean (or the city's not plowing as much as usual).  I realize most people don't walk a lot, and therefore don't give this a second thought, but take a look out of your living room window every so often.  Know what you'll see?

People walking down the street, and walking ON the street because sidewalks aren't cleaned off. 

Think of it another way--when you're driving down the street, how often do you have to dodge pedestrians walking on the street?  Know WHY you're dodging those pedestrians?  Because the sidewalks aren't cleaned off, and those pedestrians are forced to share the street with cars.

Cars like yours.

Because I know what it's like having to share the streets with cars, I’ve always made sure that the sidewalks around my house are cleaned off.  If you have an extra few minutes one day, think you could follow that example?  On behalf of everyone who walks somewhere during the day (a number that's a lot larger than you think), I offer my sincerest thanks.

I really do.
By the way, thanks for all the birthday wishes yesterday. As I mentioned you really didn't need to; my mom's the one who deserves all the credit. I had a nice day working, believe it or not, all three of my jobs. I did TV in the morning, radio in the afternoon, and wrote a History Center newspaper article at night. I don't know if a normal person would spend their birthday that way, but as we all know, I've never been accused of being normal.


But thanks nonetheless!

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