Thursday, December 26, 2019

Thursday, 12/26

It was the return of a Q107-WMQT holiday tradition!

First of all, I hope you had a great Christmas. I did. From the noise of Christmas Eve at my brother's place to the calm & quiet of my parents yesterday, it was everything that the holiday should be. I hope yours was just as good.

Let's now flash back, oh, 11 or 12 years. One December afternoon when our office manager was decorating for Christmas we had a ladder sitting in our hallway. No, I have no idea why the ladder was there; I just know that it was. And me, having the, you know, uncommon mind that I have, decided that we needed to decorate it. So we threw on tinsel, a few ornaments, and a cloth Santa on it and christened it “The Holiday Ladder”. We did it for a year or two afterwards, and then promptly forgot about it.

Now, flash forward to this past Monday. I'm coming into work for the week, sleepy as always, and I stumble toward my office door. I open it up, turn on the light, and perhaps for the first time ever laughed when coming into work on a Monday.

Because this was in there, taking up almost every single inch of free space--

That's right; Carol had decided to do a little decorating over the weekend, and in her infinite wisdom resurrected “The Holiday Ladder”. Since I couldn't move with it in my office, we brought it out to our lobby (where I took the above picture) for all the world to see. So if you're in downtown Marquette the next few days, stroll by the station and look in the window. There, you will see the most sacred of Q107 traditions--

The Holiday Ladder.

Continued Peace on Earth, and, uhm, climbing safety for all!


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