Friday, December 27, 2019

Friday, 12/27

I think I scared myself by speaking.

I mean, there are times when the possibility exists that I could terrify myself by speaking, if only because I don't know what might be coming out of my mouth. But yesterday was different—because of work schedules, I was the only one at the station. I got to spend the entire day by myself, getting lots of stuff done without having to face one interruption.

I was bliss.

Anyway, because I was at work alone and, in fact, didn't see one single person, I had no reason to speak. So from the time Loraine left home for work—745 or so—I didn't say a thing. I guess I didn't even realize that until 2, when I went on the air and found myself startled by the noise that was coming out of my mouth.

Yup. I almost scared myself by speaking.

It actually was a very weird moment. When nothing comes out of your mouth for over six hours you really don't realize it, at least not until a sound actually does emanate from you and you're left wondering 1). what that sound was, and b). why you made it, until you realize you haven't spoken for over six hours.

I mean, try it some time, especially if you ever get a blissful six-plus hours by yourself. Who knows—maybe you'll be as startled as me. Probably not, because you're, you know, normal, but you won't know until you try it.


Before I go, I present to you this year's winner in the “strangest Christmas gift I received” competition--

Yup. That's a chocolate bar from Russia. Loraine's parents were in the neighborhood earlier this year and picked it up. I'll be curious to see if it actually tastes like chocolate, or has a slight borscht and/or vodka aftertaste.

I'll let you know.

On that note, have yourself a great weekend, and just think—it's the last weekend of the teens. Where did the decade go????

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