Monday, December 23, 2019

Monday, 12/23

I think I've figured out my favorite Christmas album of all time. I never devoted that much time to thinking about it, but it came to me this weekend.

Just don't laugh when I tell you what it is.

As you know (and I apologize if I've been complaining about it too much) things have been so busy this year I haven't had the chance (as I wrote last week) to listen to much holiday music, aside from a few new tracks to decide if we should play them on the air. During my orgy of cookie baking this weekend I finally had the time to listen to a couple of albums, the ones that traditionally get played during my annual orgy of cookie baking, and it's then that I realized I actually have a favorite Christmas album of all time.

And it's not what you think. It's not the soundtrack to “A Charlie Brown Christmas”, which I thought would've topped my list. It's not any of the “Very Special Christmas” compilations. It's not even a classic holiday album from Frank, or Bing, or Nat.

Nope. My favorite Christmas album of all times appears to be the soundtrack to the movie “Jingle All The Way”.

Have I lost (what's left of) my mind? Did I drink too much eggnog? Did I get a piece of tinsel stuck up my nose as a young child and short-circuit part of my brain as a result? (although, come to think of it, that WOULD explain a lot, wouldn't it?) Why, oh why would the soundtrack to a really bad Arnold Schwarzenegger movie be my favorite Christmas album of all time?

Because it, apparently, gives me everything I want in a Christmas album.

Let me explain. As bad as the movie is (and even though I haven't seen it in 20 years I remember that it's really, really bad), the soundtrack stands on its own. It has the first three or four attempts at Christmas music by the Brian Setzer Orchestra, a genre in which they totally kicked butt over the next few years. It also has an amazing selection of Christmas classics, including Nat King Cole's “The Christmas Song” and Bobby Helm's “Jingle Bell Rock”. And it also has a cut from the movie's soundtrack that, while not technically Christmas music, still makes me think of the holidays. It's kind of a one-stop shop for my favorite Christmas tunes, all in one very strange place.

And that's why the soundtrack to “Jingle All The Way” appears to be my favorite Christmas album of all time. You may now proceed to start laughing your head off in disbelief.


(ps--make sure you have yourself a great Christmas and holiday week).  I'll be back Thursday with something new!)

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