Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wednesday, 1/30

I'm not supposed to be here right now.

Actually, technically, that's not true. I should be saying that I'm not supposed to be here writing this right now. Instead, I should be at a TV studio shooting another episode of “High School Bowl”. But for the second scheduled taping date in a row it's been canceled because of the horrid weather, and it wouldn't surprise me if this Friday's scheduled shoot is called off, as well. After all, student safety is paramount, and we were supposed to have kids coming from Cedarville and Ironwood today, a day when police are advising people to not even venture out of their homes, much less drive 150 miles to Marquette.

So a little delay's okay.

However, because of the plethora of weather delays the past couple of weeks we actually have something that we have to start to consider, at least if the cold & snow doesn't go away. Because of the weather and other considerations, we've only been able to shoot one new show since the beginning of 2019. We have the episode that airs this Saturday done, as well as the one that airs next Saturday. But after that?


I don't really think that's gonna be a problem; after all, theoretically we could shoot two or three episodes next week and be back on track. But if this insane weather were to continue and we can't safely get students from high schools all across the UP to Marquette; well, on February 16th you might be watching a rerun. Or a bonus episode of “Lawrence Welk”. Or something like that.

Technically, I suppose, we could always do an episode live if we needed to. We always shoot them live-to-(computer) drive (an industry term for shooting a show non-stop, just like it was live) anyway, so it wouldn't be that much of a change. And you'd be surprised by the number of people who think we do them all live, anyway. There have been many times where I've been at a dinner or a gathering somewhere and someone expresses a little concern that I might not get to the studio on time if I “don't get going soon”. They actually seem a little surprised when I tell them the shows are pre-taped. But, maybe, that's a testament to the way we tape them. We leave all the little fluffs & mistakes in (and trust me, with the host the show currently has there are a TON of little fluffs & mistakes), and it seems like we're coming into your homes in real time.

But we're not. And we don't. Although, with the way the weather's been...

Actually, I've always thought we should do the annual championship show live, maybe with a little year-in-review pre-game show before the actual contest. There are amazing young people who make it to the final rounds, and they deserved to get the same treatment as some bonehead like Tom Brady. So maybe having to do a show live would be a dress rehearsal for an instance like that. I mean, I know it won't happen, but I think to would be fun.

All of that depends upon this horrid weather and whether or not it ever leaves (spoiler alert—it should this weekend). But it does lead one to have a fanciful dream or two, especially because, thanks to that horrid weather, I actually have a few extra minutes this morning.

Stay warm!!

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