Monday, January 7, 2019

Monday, 1/7

Don’t loathe me for saying this but I have a deep, dark secret to share I'd like to share.

My name is Jim, and I don’t get sick.

These days, I’m surrounded by sick co-workers, a wife who just finished battling the blahs, and passersby who say “hello” through a hacking cough or watery eyes. Yet, I feel fine. Better than fine, actually, considering that we haven’t seen the sun much in a couple of months and THAT usually depresses me.

What can I say, other than, perhaps, “Sorry”?

In fact, I can’t remember the last time I was seriously sick. I do remember one BAD bout back in the mid 70’s when I had to stay home from school for a week, but other than hay fever every spring & fall, I just don’t seem to get sick. Believe it or not, I’ve never actually been in the hospital. Okay, I’ve visited people in the hospital before, but I’ve never been a patient (unless you count a trip to the E.R or walk-in clinics because of bike or roller-blading mishaps, but that's thanks to klutziness, not germs).

Now, I don’t know why this is. Maybe I’m just genetically lucky. Maybe it’s because I wash my hands every so often, eat well, try to stay in shape, and don’t let myself get run down. Or maybe it’s because I laugh.

I remember reading something a couple of years ago on how having a positive mental attitude can actually ward off disease. Apparently, people who are optimistic and/or laugh a lot get over a cold quicker, suffer fewer bouts of illness and, in general, have a stronger immune system. So, just maybe, there IS something to that, and I’m lucky enough to be the recipient of that.

Of course, I’m now aware that, by having written this blog on how I never get sick, I’m destined to come down with something like Bird Flu or Legionnaire’s Disease. And with the way Loraine or my co-workers look at me when I don’t catch their bugs...well, I know a few people who might laugh at the irony in that.

But think of it this way—at least they'll be boosting their immune systems while doing it.



(ps--despite the wind & blizzard-like conditions outside right now  it was above freezing Saturday morning when I went running, which means "The Streak"  is still alive!

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