Monday, January 21, 2019

Monday, 1/21

If, when everything thaws this Spring, you happen to see a right ear and part of a lower lip lying somewhere on the street, would you please pick them up?

They're probably mine.

I can't believe how cold it was when I went out skiing Saturday and running this morning. Of course, I can't believe that I actually went out skiing Saturday and running this morning in a windchill of about 150 below, but I did. In a concession to the weather I did actually wear long pants (several layers of long pants, in fact), but I did go out skiing & running on different days. Call me crazy, if you'd like. You wouldn't be the first person to do so.

As I write this I haven't checked to see if any schools have been canceled today because of the cold, but it wouldn't surprise me. I really do not wanna sound like one of those people who start off every sentence with the phrase “Back when I was a kid”, but (ahem) back when I was a kid, I don't remember having school canceled because of bitter cold. I remember being at school on days when the air is frigid and the wind chills were extreme. In all honesty, I don't recall if the conditions were as harsh as they are on a day ;like today, but it seems to me like they were, and yet I was still in school.

Now, though? Not so much.

I realize that there are legitimate (and very good) excuses for keeping schools closed on a frigid morning like this morning. I mean, the fact that seem to have lost two parts of my body while out running is basically the best reason for closing schools. Still, though, it just seems (at least to me) that they close and cancel things quite a bit more than they did (ahem) back when I was a kid. I don't know if it's true, I don't know if my perceptions are just askew. But all through my life—when I was a kid, and now that I'm what passes for an adult—I just seem to think that many more things went on as normal despite the bad weather.

Like I said, I don't know if that's actually the case or if my perceptions have been warped by whatever's been warping my brain since I was young. But I tend to think that it might actually be the case. After all, if I'm stupid enough to go out running on a day so cold that you lose body parts, I must've picked up the habit somewhere, right? There must be something in my brain that tells me it's okay to go out on a day when the wind chill's around 150 below.

Well, it's just a thought. Hopefully, some day soon, the weather will moderate, and I'll be able to run or ski without losing parts of my face. After all, with only one ear and no more than one and half lips left, I'm rapidly running out of body parts left to fall off.


(ps--I just checked.  Schools aren't closed today.  Now you know!)

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