Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tuesday, 7/31

I can finally check my Facebook news feed whenever I want again.

Over the past three weeks I've had to avoid any sort of social media between the hours of 8am and, say, 10pm, the time I finished watching the Tour de France race from that particular day. I avoided social media because, well, I didn't want to know who won that day's race. Call me old fashioned, but on occasion I actually enjoy watching a movie or a sporting event and NOT knowing how it's gonna end.

I know; freaky, isn't it?

At first I thought I could just turn off a few news sources, such as BBC News or any of the French TV networks that I follow, but after being burned on a couple of the stages by people I know talking about what happened during the race that I DVR'd while I was at work, I just decided not to pay any attention to Facebook until I had watched that day's leg and could safely venture back into the real world. And you know what I discovered?

I really didn't miss it that much!

I don't know if that says something about me or something about Facebook (or both), but my life didn't implode because I wasn't staring at my news feed. I don't think I missed out on anything important, and even if I did miss out on something it couldn't have been THAT important, right? So surprise, surprise...you CAN live a life without social media.

Especially if you have something like not knowing who won that day's leg of the Tour de France to look forward to!

(ps—remember yesterday how I wrote about being a bit perplexed by not seeing any Nevada license plates during my week-long survey of them, which ended Sunday? Well, guess what I saw TWO of on my walk home from work last night?

Go figure...)

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