Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday, 7/17

You know, it sure would be nice to speak like a normal person again.

As I alluded to at the end of yesterday's blog, I don't seem to have much of a voice at the moment. I don't know what caused it, I don't know why it's lasting so long, and I really really REALLY wish it would get back to normal.


It started Saturday night. I was sitting in our living room watching the Tour de France, while Loraine was in the other room working online (yes, we lead exciting lives, don't we?). Because we were both wrapped up in our respective tasks there may have been a span of an hour or an hour and a half where we didn't speak to each other. She then came into the room to ask me a question, and when I answered it I sounded like a bullfrog going through puberty.

It was cool, if by “cool” you mean idiotic and annoying and totally uncalled for.

The stupid thing is that other than my voice not working I feel fine. I feel better than fine, actually. I've been outside playing in the sun and doing all kinds of physical activity, and I'm in what I consider to be maximum “summer shape” (as opposed to say, the sullen, downtrodden “winter shape” that you get when you're stuck in a gray, sunless city for months at a time). I don't feel as if I should have a voice that's almost non-existent, but here I am.

I've reached that point.

Because I don't know what's causing it, I'm trying to take care to make sure I don't pass it along. I had to skip a kid's birthday party Sunday just in case it's some kind of viral thing. After all, you don't want to spread it around, right? I don't think it's contagious; after all, I just can't speak above a whisper and I cough every few minutes because my throat is so dry. Other than that, I feel fine. Like I said before, I feel great. But just in case I have some strange, weird disease...don't be surprised if I turn my head or cross the street if I see you.

I'm not being rude. I just don't want you do get whatever it is I have at the moment.

(jim@wmqt.com), waiting to be able to babble like a dork again.

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