Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday, 9/13

Just for the record, I have never driven on that side of the road.

I've had a bunch of people ask me how our little trip over to Europe went, and that's nice. It's kinda cool to know people are interested in what we did. When they ask for details, driving in Europe invariably comes up, and the one question that almost everyone asks is something along the lines of “Isn't it strange driving on the other side of the road”? And I always have to answer this way--

“I wouldn't know”.

It's funny that people think that everywhere else in the world you have to drive on the left-hand side of the road, because that happens in very few countries (Britain and its former colonies, mostly). Everywhere in Europe—every single country outside of the UK and Ireland—you drive just as we drive here, on the right hand side of the road. In fact, I think the only difference is that you can't make a right-hand turn on red.

And you can't even do that in some US states.

I think I know why people believe everyone in Europe drives on the left-hand side of the road. Because we speak the same language, we get so many TV shows and movies from Britain that it just seems as if all foreign countries are like that. But they're not. Watch a movie or TV show from France or Germany you'll see people driving down a street just like we do. In fact, they're probably driving better than we are, because fines for traffic violations like speeding or cutting off other drivers are quite steep, and if you get too many penalty points you can lose your license.

Because of that, European drivers actually treat traffic laws as laws, and not just suggestions, as some American drivers are wont to do.

I'm sure I'll keep getting the question, and that's fine. It shows that people are genuinely curious, and if I can help broaden their knowledge of the rest of the world just a smidge, all the better. But just for the record, no, I have never driven a car in a country where everyone drives on the left hand side of the road. That's a life experience that's still to come, with any luck.

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