Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday, 9/12

My body is going through chocolate withdrawal.

I wish I could say I was kidding; unfortunately, I fear I’m not. Yesterday was the first day since I left for Europe that I haven’t devoured a chocolate bar or three. I figured my body would thank me; after all, while they’re among the most delicious things on the planet, and while I do eat mostly dark chocolate filled with all kinds of good antioxidants, the chocolate bars are just (basically) empty calories. I’m sure my body would much rather have its usual whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Boy, was I wrong. I felt. . .off all day yesterday, my body wasn’t reacting the way it usually reacts, and I even found myself with a slight headache. And that’s when it hit me--my body was rebelling by not having its usual (at least for the past few weeks) dose of chocolate. You know how coffee drinkers often say feel like they’re going through withdrawal when they quit drinking cold turkey?

That’s how I felt yesterday by going cold turkey on chocolate.

I know chocolate shares a common ingredient with coffee in caffeine, but I don’t believe that chocolate has THAT much caffeine, at least an amount that would cause withdrawal symptoms. But then I’m not a nutritional scientist, so what do I know? Maybe I AM going through chocolate-fueled caffeine withdrawal and don’t even realize it. Either that, or my body just became so used to the creamy and gooey goodness of the chocolate I’ve been eating that it wants some more.

And I couldn’t say I’d blame it, if that were the case. As I’ve mentioned two or three thousand times in here recently, I’m that fond of the chocolate. I know it’s probably not that good for me, but we all have a weakness or three in life. The chocolate appears to be mine.

Other than that, I seem to be handling the transition back to reality okay. My body clock has adjusted back to Michigan time, although I‘m sure it could use a little more catch-up sleep. I think I’ve dealt with all the problems that popped up at work in my absence, and my suitcase, while it’s still sitting on my living room floor, is now mostly empty. The clothes that were in it are soon to be washed, the plastic containers that held stuff (mostly chocolate) are now empty, and I just need to throw in all the little items that’ll I’ll be bringing to Germany with us NEXT year into the suitcase before I schlep it down to our basement.

Hopefully, by then, the withdrawal symptoms will be gone.

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