Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tuesday, 7/2

You'd think that, during the summer, they own Marquette.

Believe it or not, I'm not talking about tourists, although under different circumstances I could be. Nope; instead, I'm talking about these things--

Over the past couple of years these pooping machine seem to have taken over large swaths of Marquette, from bike paths to Park Cemetery to Lower Harbor Park, hissing when you walk (or bike) near, and leaving big piles of their byproduct all over said paths & parks.

It's not fun.

There's always been a goose problem in Marquette—one of the reasons, in fact, that we no longer have a Shiras Pool out at the island—but over the past few years it's become even worse, as climate change causes the geese to alter their migration patterns and think Marquette is home, and as a lot of people—tourists included—think they're cute and feed them, causing the geese to not want to leave.

Because if you have a fast-food restaurant in your garage, why would you ever want to leave home?

I can foresee this becoming a major problem, much like the deer were on Presque Isle a few years ago when they exploded in population and the city had to cull the herd. However, the geese are different. Unlike deer, they can fly, and unlike deer, they've taken over populated parts of the city, making any attempted culling of them problematic. Thankfully, they're not here year-round, but when they are here they're causing all kinds of issues.

But then...what do you expect when they think they own the city?


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