Friday, July 19, 2024

Friday, 7/19

A couple of days ago I had mentioned the randomness of Marquette, how, if you're on foot, you get to see things that most people in cars would just zoom by.

Well, since I posted those thoughts on Monday I have come across a few examples of that same phenomenon, so to wrap up the week pictorial proof that I'm not just making it up. For example...

Why is a single cherry tomato sitting n the street?

Seeing as how retainers are supposed to sit in your mouth, there are several questions I have about this one lying on a sidewalk. How did it get there? Shouldn't you notice it's not in your mouth. And, most importantly, just how much alcohol was involved in the retainer ending up on the sidewalk?

I assume with the leaf that you drew you're referring to cannabis and not the early 90's En Vogue song, right?

And's too bad hand signs don't come with spellcheck...

See? You'd probably miss most (if not all) of these by driving. But if you know where to look, the randomness (and the wackiness) of Marquette is all around you.

Hope your weekend is random and/or wacky!


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