Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Wednesday, 1/10

Well....THAT was a bit of a disappointment.

You know the big storm we were supposed to get? The one with the Winter Storm Warning and the possibility of a foot of snow? Here's what it looked like--

I, in fact, barely see much change from the picture I took 24 hours ago and posted here yesterday--

Now that I look at the two pictures, it seems like there's actually LESS snow on the ground now, after (he says sarcastically here) our "Winter Storm Warning".  Just between you & me...we're not gonna get ANY major snow this year up here, are we? At least, it's starting to look that way, isn't it?

Now...for something completely different. I would like to make a prediction that next Wednesday I'll be going through the Marquette Mining Journal and come across an article that seems strangely familiar. I'll read the first paragraph and realize that I wrote it and then forgot about it.

And I predict that will happen because it's happened before.

In the past I've mentioned that I have the habit of writing newspaper articles and then completely forgetting about them, which is why I'm fairly confident it'll happen again. I think I mentioned Friday that I was writing one over the past weekend for the big “Legends & Lore” show Jack & I are doing at Kaufman on the 25th, which I did indeed do, turned in, and then forgot about until someone had a question about a picture I had included.


The article is slated for publication a week from today, which gives me seven whole days to forget about it again. So I won't be surprised next Wednesday when I come across it yet again and it takes a few seconds for me to realize that I wrote it.

Because, apparently, I'm really good at stuff like that.


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