Thursday, January 11, 2024

Thursday, 1/11

It took over eight years, but the dental floss is finally gone.

If you've been reading these forever (or at least since the last decade) you may recall that back in 2015 Loraine and I took a trip to Germany with our parents. You may also recall that while their luggage arrived with no problems ours was stuck in Philadelphia for two days. While they were enjoying themselves Loraine and I were at a Mueller store (Germany's version of Target) buying a bunch of stuff that we needed, including dental floss.

Specifically, this dental floss--

It wasn't the best floss; it didn't have very good glide and tended to get stuck in my teeth. So once our luggage arrived I used the floss I packed, and brought the German floss home with me. I brought it to work, and whenever I needed to get something unstuck from my teeth I used it. Well, after eating an apple yesterday (and having a piece of apple skin wedged in between my two front teeth) I went to grab the German floss and pulled the last piece out.

The German dental floss is no more.

Although it wasn't the best dental floss in the world, I'll still miss it a little, if only because of the fact that I've been using for over eight years now. I mean, I don't know your flossing habits, but I go through a normal roll of dental floss a LOT faster than eight years. So it's been a small part of my life for almost a decade now.

I'll also (strangely) miss it because very time I use it I'm reminded of the trip. I'm long past the point where I thought of exactly WHY I had to buy the floss; instead, whenever I pulled it out I thought of the fun (although slightly chilly) time I had with my parents.

Using one of those sample rolls of floss you get from the dentist just didn't engender the same feelings.

Hopefully, when Loraine and I go back to Germany in May, our luggage will make it with us. Otherwise, I may have to pick up another roll of dental floss, and if past experience holds, I'll be using for another eight and a half years.

You know, until sometime near the end of 2032.


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