Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Tuesday, 1/16

 TUESDAY, 1/16:

Well, lookee here.  It finally happened.

For the past couple of months I’ve been writing about our lack of winter, about the warmth and the sun instead of the snow and the cold.  When I last wrote on Friday, we were under a Blizzard Warning with the hopes (if you were of that mindset) that winter would finally arrive.

Well, it did–

Many places outside of Marquette received almost three feet of snow.  As is our custom, we had a LOT less here in Marquette, but still over the ten inches we needed for a winner in our “Where’s the Snow?” contest–

Here in the city the wind and the blowing snow were more of a problem than the snowfall (in fact, there are a lot of patches around the city with partially bare ground, if only because the wind blew all the snow away).  But with the sub-zero temperatures in the forecast the next few days, it looks as if the snow will stick around for a while, good news for the businesses and events that depend upon it but a bit of a bummer for those of us who were wondering if we’d get through the entire winter unscathed.

We should have known better than that, right?


The entire country has had weird weather the past few days, and believe it or not the snow they had in Buffalo, New York, impacted me.  How, you ask?  Well, I answer, the snow caused the Buffalo Bills playoff game to be postponed from Sunday to Monday afternoon.  That meant the game, broadcast on CBS, was shifted to Monday, which meant that Monday’s 6 pm newscast on WZMQ was canceled, which meant that this week’s “Life in the 906” is now next week’s “Life in the 906”.

So…thanks, snowstorm in Buffalo??



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