Thursday, September 7, 2023

Thursday, 9/7

Well, that was fun.

Because of the fog, the mist, and the gloom, we were able to get “Happy Hour” off as scheduled last night for the Marquette Regional History Center. I mean, sure...I had to change it from a walking tour into a program in three hours, and it might have been a little rough because of that (as I described it, it was like learning to play a song on a guitar and then all of a sudden being asked to perform on a piano instead). But in the end it didn't matter; the group had a great time and (most importantly) had a lot of laughs.

And that's a good thing.

This, however, is probably not the last you'll hear about a project called “Happy Hour”. I have been throwing around the idea of making an expanded version of this little tour/show into my next documentary. When you think of it, it would be a good companion piece to “The Greasier the Spoon”, and with some of the stories of drunken debauchery that have been shared with me it would be a hoot.

Of course, it would also be a LOT of work, probably spanning over the next year or two (or however long it took me to eventually finish “Greasier”). So while I've not fully committed to it yet, it wouldn't surprise me if I keep babbling enough about it that I actually do something about it.

We'll see, right? And, by the way, I'm giving you permission in advance to kick me when I start to complain about trying to find the time to work on it (if, indeed, I do work on it), because both you & I know I eventually will, right?


Okay; I not only have to go to a funeral today, but I'm also going to Chicago in 13 days (have I ever mentioned that?) and I need to get to work on a few things. So until tomorrow...

(, who really REALLY needs to get that mythical 25th hour added to his day.

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