Thursday, September 14, 2023

Thursday, 9/14

I have to be at my doctor's office in a bit (annual check up time yet again), so I'm going to leave you with an oldie but a goodie. Believe it or not, I actually remember this happening.

That was fun.




(as originally posted 9/17/2015)

If you're one of the three people I yelled at at the top of my lungs yesterday, I'm sorry. It wasn't personal.

Let me explain. I did not, in fact, yell at anyone to their face. I did not get mad, I did not fly off the handle, and I did not hurt anyone's feelings. Yet I still feel a little bad at what I did.

My “Pop Culture” question yesterday had to do with what the letters “NBC” stand for. I thought it was a fairly straight-forward question; after all, NBC was the country's first broadcast network, about to celebrate its 90th anniversary next year, so I figured everyone would know what those three letters stand for.

I was wrong. Just not in the way I figured.

The first three answers I received mirrored each other. Each of the callers had the first two letters correctly identified. They knew that the “N” stands for “National”, and that the “B” stands for “Broadcasting”. It's what happened after that that blew my mind. The three callers said that the “C”in NBC stands for either “System” or “Service”. And that's a good guess, expect for the fact that if either of those were the correct answer, the company's initials would be “NBS”, and not “NBC”.

And that's when I had my little meltdown.

Well, it wasn't really a meltdown. It was mostly me yelling at the top of my lungs “Doesn't anyone know how to spell any more?” loud enough to travel through a supposedly soundproof wall. I know it was loud enough because our office manager, who sits on the other side of the supposedly soundproof wall, turned to look at me to make sure I wasn't losing my mind.

Oops. My bad.

Thankfully, when I asked the question again, someone did get the answer right (the “C” stands for “Company”, if you're curious), restoring my faith in humanity. And maybe I can kind of understand the confusion; after all, the “S” in CBS stands for “System”, not that anyone would know that. So maybe all three callers just mixed their metaphors, in a way. Maybe it was an innocent mistake on the part of all three callers.


So if you were one of those three callers, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, if even just to myself.

It's just one of those things...


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