Friday, September 8, 2023

Friday, 9/7

Wow. It really can't be that close, can it?

I was filling out stuff on my big wall calendar in my office, the one that tells me where to be when and at what time. While writing things down I was marveling at just how packed September is, especially with our just completed trip downstate and our little jaunt to Chicago the week after next. In fact, I've been so busy with the stuff on the calendar this month that I really haven't looked at what's on tap next month.

And that's when I realized we start shooting the next season of “High School Bowl” four weeks from today.

First of all, it seems like we just wrapped up last season like, I dunno, last month. But apparently it's been seven months. And just exactly HOW did the start date for season 45 sneak up on me so that it's less than a month away?

I myself blame 2023. It's been a weird year, hasn't it?

That means I need to get my butt in gear for a couple of things. I need to put together the questions we ask the students during the halftime interviews, and I also need to write up a bunch of UP-themed questions to use during the games. I have a couple left over from last year, but we shoot 20 full shows throughout the season, so that means I'm only, oh, 18 short of what I need.

Looking at my calendar, I also realized we have a packed shooting schedule in October. In fact, we have five shooting dates—a quarter of the entire season—on tap. The show itself debuts November 4th, and we always wanna make sure we have enough episodes in the can so that if something unexpected happens (snow days, plagues, or an idiot host who mangles his face in a bike accident) we'll have something to stick on the air. And that's why we'll have all those shows in the can before the season premiere.

So, I guess that looking at my calendar is dictating a few of the things I'll be going this weekend—coming up with questions, and then coming up with another kind of question. I'm just not quite sure whether or not to thank my calendar for the reminder or to curse it for, you know, making me aware that we're just four weeks away from the start of the season.

Have a great weekend. Hope your calendar is much kinder to you!


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