Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday, 11/29

It's been 20 years (and a day). I wonder if I'll miss it when I no longer have to do it?

This means absolutely nothing to anyone but me, but it was 20 years (and a day) ago that we started broadcasting from our downtown Marquette studios. No longer did I have to drive to Ishpeming at least once a day, and no longer did I have to put up with computers that broke down because they were stuck in a dusty warehouse-like environment. Instead I got an extra hour (at least) in my day from no longer having to drive, I saved a ton of money by not actually having a car, and I didn't have to worry about computers breaking down every week because, finally, they were in an environment in which they could thrive.

And thrive they have for those two decades (and a day).

As I've mentioned before, we're in the midst of getting rid of those computers, even though they've been running (almost) non-stop since 2002. And when the switch-over finally does occur, something I've been doing since November 28th, 2002, will no longer have to be done.

I'll no longer have to type “default' once a day.

Why do I have to type “default” once a day, you ask? Well, I answer, all computers have quirks. And while the ones we've been using for twenty years (and a day) have been spectacular, their one quirk is that they need to have a file stuck in them, a file to use should someone forget to load the log that tells it what to play (and trust me, forgot them we have). What I have to do on a daily basis is take the log for that day, copy it, rename it 'default”, and stick in the machine along with the file that I've (hopefully) remembered to load. It's just one of those strange things that came with the system, and I've done it every day without (ahem) default.

That means in the past 20 years (and a day) that I've copied a file and renamed it 43,806 times. I wonder if that's a world record. You think Guinness would be interested?


It's one of those things I've done without even thinking, so it doesn't seem like it's been 43,806 times. Of course, it HAS been spread out over 20 years (and a day), so it perhaps that's not a surprise. But still, 43,806 times is a LOT. And that's why, when I don't have to do it beginning sometime in the next week or two, I wonder if I'll miss it.

I doubt it, but I have been doing it for 20 years (and a day) now, so you never know. I guess we'll see.


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