Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Tuesday, 11/15

Happy opening day! Or, if you're agnostic in that regard, happy Tuesday.

Either one works for me.

My “Life in the 906” on 19 News last night was about the opening day of firearm deer season here in Michigan, and about how not all deer hunters conform to the stereotypical notion we have of them, a notion much like this--

Photo courtesy Superior View Studio

You know the stereotype—people who head out to deer camp and for whom beer is more important than deer. I had gathered a bunch of facts for the piece, and one that got left out was one that I found interesting. Now, because I don't hunt, I would never have guessed this, but did you now that, at least in Michigan, you're statistically more likely to get a deer if you're a bow hunter as opposed to a rifle hunter?

I'm thinking that might be my “Weird Fact of the Day” for today.

Another of the facts I gathered didn't surprised me; specifically, that the number of people who get licenses to hunt has dropped in Michigan by about a third in the past decade. When I was a kid (and, admittedly, that was 150 years ago) it seemed like deer season was a big thing, and I know it still is for some people, but these days it seems like today—November 15th—really is more important to most as a Tuesday than it is as Opening Day. In fact, I'd be curious to see what Mackinaw Bridge traffic was like yesterday as opposed to a November 14th from, say the 1980s or the 90s.

I'm guessing the amount of hunters coming up from downstate would be smaller in 2022. That's just a guess, but I'm thinking that how it would be.

So if you are hunting, have a great day and, most importantly, be safe. And if you're not a hunter?

Well, enjoy your Tuesday.


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