Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday, 11/17

I wonder how many old projects out there still have our fingerprints on them?

Over the decades we, as a radio station, have been involved in numerous community projects, all of which were important at the time but now have been lost to the mist of the passing decades. A case in point?

This is from the old fence at the Kid's Cove Playground at Marquette's Lower Harbor Park. We helped them raise some money for it when it was originally built in the late 90s, and since they're revamping the playground a bit (a project which includes a new fence), they gave people who helped out 25 years ago the chance to reclaim “their” fence post.

Which we did.

The odd thing, though, is that until we picked up the fence post I had totally forgotten about our involvement in the project. That's not a surprise; after all, for whatever reason, I seem to have forgotten most of the 1990s. But even though the playground has been in the news for the better part of the past year, thanks to fundraising campaigns and state grant matches, I had still totally forgotten about our part in the original project. And that makes me wonder--

Just how many OTHER things that we've been a part of do I not remember?

This isn't the first time something like this has happened. A decade or so ago I was in a bank when the teller was telling me how he had been part of a group I took to lunch once as part of a contest. It actually took me a minute to remember the what and when of the whole promotion, so while he was talking about it I was standing there like a dork, trying to mentally remember what the promotion was or if I had spilled food all over me. It made a good impression on him, so I'm guessing I didn't spill any food on myself, but still...

I really need to get my game together.

The one thing about which I am grateful is that all of these things in which we were involved, even if I don't remember them, obviously made a difference, whether to the people who took part in them or the community as a whole. In all honesty, we don't do what we do for the glory, we do them to help out. And as long as we do that, then it doesn't matter whether or not I personally remember being a part of the whole thing.

After all, that's what fence posts and bank tellers are for, right?



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