Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Wednesday, 10/26

Yes, I'm insane. What's your point?

Over the past weeks I've had several people ask when I sleep, seeing as how I have a full-time radio job and two different weekly TV gigs that require a lot of preparation and/or writing. So I guess it's s fair question, although, in all honesty I love what I'm doing and it really doesn't seem like work.

But that's not the point. If the people who asked me when I have time to sleep also knew that, aside from my radio & TV jobs, I've received my History Center assignments for next year, then they'd think that I've REALLY gone over the edge.

But maybe I'm not quite insane. Not yet.

Here's what it looks like I'm doing next year (and keep in mind that this is on top of a full-time radio job and two different TV gigs that require a lot of preparation and/or writing)--

January—Kaufman show with my pal Jack called “Lights, Camera, Marquette” that features old movies (from the 1920s) of Marquette. Lots of video editing there.

March—The possibility of my long-gestating “The Greasier the Spoon” documentary having its debut. That means that I would actually have to, you know, finish shooting it and putting it together.

July—A “Burn, Baby, Burn: The Infernos of Downtown Marquette” walking tour.

September—A stand-up comedy/history show, tied in with Beer Week in Marquette, about bars and the stupid things people do while drunk (because, if you're not aware, people do stupid things while drunk. Really, they do)

Add into that another season (sometime) of my “Pieces of the Past” video series and, oh, four or five newspaper articles, and...

Well, now that I think about it, maybe I AM insane. If nothing else, we'll find out by the end of 2023, won't we? But the cool thing is I really enjoy doing all of this, and it's not like I'm dreading tackling any of the projects. In fact, I'm really looking forward to most (if not all) of them. The only problem—and I'm not sure yet if this will be a problem—is trying to find the time to (properly) put together everything on a timely (and tight) schedule. We'll just have to see.

And besides, if I need them, I always have the seven or eight hours I should be in bed, right? If people are wondering where I get the time now, maybe they should look at my schedule for next year.

Then the questions might really begin.



(ps—don't forget to vote for the picture that adorns my computer desktop for the foreseeable future. Scroll down for details and the pictures!)

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