Friday, October 14, 2022

Friday, 10/14

Since I have to be at a TV studio in just a little bit I'm going to leave you with something I wrote four years ago, about a ritual I've done every since since starting to host “High School Bowl”. Only...

I haven't done it yet THIS year. Shall chaos reign? I guess we'll find out.



(as originally posted 10/2/18)

Oh...what to wear. What to wear?

TV Jim has a problem that Radio Jim never has to worry about, and that's making sure I look good. Or, at least, look presentable, seeing as how I'm not quite sure that I can ever look good. When I'm just Radio Jim I can dress however I want, assuming that the clothes I choose don't have too many holes in them and are reasonably wrinkle free.

TV Jim? Not so much.

I bring this up because one of my projects the past weekend (aside from trying to get Toto's “Rosanna” out of my head) was to figure out what I'm gonna wear this year on “High School Bowl”. We start taping the first show tomorrow, so I had to dive in with my annual ritual of deciding what gets worn when.

Yes, I have a ritual. I'm a dork. What's your point?

There is an actual reason for the ritual, believe it or not (I mean, aside from the fact that I'm a dork). I shoot 20 episodes of the show each year, and I wanna make sure that what I wear varies throughout the season. After all, I wouldn't want to wear black shirts or a gray jacket three or four weeks in a row, would I? Nope; I wanna mix things up, and make sure that each week I'm in a different color scheme.

Once again, I'm a dork. What's your point?

So here's what I do. I figure out what I have in my closet, and what I've been thinking of picking up for future use. I then (and don't laugh here) write down all the combinations on 3x5 cards. I stare at the 3x5 cards for a while, and then start to move them around, until I think I have a schedule that varies color & texture throughout the season.

Yes, I'm a... Oh, never mind.

There's actually no reason to do this. I mean, I could probably wear the same color on the show for three weeks in a row and no one would notice. There's no reason for me to go through all this effort, and yet for four seasons in a row I've done the exact same thing.

If nothing else, it's a pre-season ritual, right?

And if you think that's bad, I also have to add this into the equation. The last four shows of the previous season are always repeated right before the new year starts, so I have to remember what I wore on those shows, and make sure the outfits and/or color scheme aren't worn again until the middle of the new year. And that's the reason behind the 3x5 cards. If I discover a mistake on my part, I can just move the 3x5 card to another week, and hope that by doing that I'm not setting into motion a daisy chain that leads to a giant cascade failure of me standing in front of the cards yelling out something along the lines of “ can't have red AND red back to back”.

It's not easy being me. Really, it isn't.

Anyway, I seem to have worked out all the kinks, and think I know what I'm wearing each week of the show this year. Of course, if this is like years past, I'll end up buying something halfway through the year and want to wear it as soon as possible, thereby throwing my system all out of whack. But if that happens, I'll just do what I always do...haul the 3x5 cards out again, and start the whole thing over.

Yes, I'm a dork. What's your point?


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