Thursday, October 13, 2022

Thursday, 10/13

Wow. It's a good thing that I don't need to talk or anything for a living.

Oh, wait...

If you've been reading this for a long time, you may remember that every fall I seem to suffer from a small bout of hay fever. It's been going on since I was a teenager, but (or at least I thought) it seemed to have tapered off as I've been getting older (maybe one of the few good things about getting older). However, this year's bout with it seems to be one of the worst in a long time. I don't know if it's the ever-changing weather or the airplane and airport air from coming home a week ago or what, but it's bad.

If you were listening yesterday, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I alternated between sounding like someone whose nostrils were plugged by cotton balls and a 12-year old boy hit by the first pangs of puberty. There were moments when I almost—almost--sounded like myself, but they were few and far apart. Even if you weren't a regular listener and had tuned in for just a few seconds, you might've had a thought along the lines of “there's just something not right with that boy”.

And you would've been correct. Or at least correct even more than usual.

Of course, the stupid thing is that I'm fine. I'm not sick, I'm not diseased, and I'm certainly not bedridden. I just have stuffed sinus cavities. So stuffed, in fact, that when I went running yesterday morning my teeth actually hurt from the gunk in my sinuses pressing down on them.

It was fun. But at least I could (kinda) speak. The worst of it was this past weekend, when my voice was a mess. It's getting better; now, I just hope that's it's back to full strength for tomorrow when I have to shoot a couple of episodes of “High School Bowl”.

So if I still sound like a wreck on the air today, remember that it's not the fault of your radio. Instead, it's the fault of a bunch of stuff sloshing around in my skull, stuff that I am doing my best to kick out for the season.


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