Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thursday, 4/21

Here's a note to daily blog readers Chick & Darlene of Melbourne Beach, Florida--

It's today, Mom & Dad. Our wedding anniversary is TODAY.


You know how every family has their own inside jokes, quirks, traditions, rituals, and ways of doing things? Well, my family's no different. We have certain ways of doing things, certain things that get brought up and never fail to make everyone laugh, and certain traditions that have been followed since time began.

And one of those traditions would be my parents thinking that my wedding anniversary is on a day other than today

We're not quite sure how it started. We're pretty certain my parents were on the courthouse steps when Loraine and I said “I do” all those years ago. I'm pretty certain because they're in the pictures, and we got married so long ago that Photoshop wasn't even a brand-name, much less the verb it's become. Yet for some reason we've received anniversary cards and calls on the 23rd, or the 25th, or the 27th, but not that often on the 21st.

But that's one of the things that makes the day so special.

Now, in my parents defense (and this was one of the excuses we've been given over the years), a lot of big family dates occur on the 21st or the 23rd. So it's easy to see how, for a decade or two, you might juxtapose one date with another. But today Loraine and I are celebrating our (gulp) 33rd anniversary. Over the years, part of that celebration has branched off into “what day you think we'll get the card from your parents?”. And you know what? It's actually kind of sweet, and it's become an ingrained tradition on a day that Loraine and I really don't make that big a deal out of anyway.  We wouldn't change this little "tradition" for anything in the world.

So mom & dad, just remember for future reference—it's on the 21st. Really, it is!


And to the Most Amazing Woman in the World, happy anniversary. Thanks for letting me spend all these years with you. I can't wait to see what we get to do in the NEXT 33 years!!!



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