Thursday, April 14, 2022

Thursday, 4/14

As I mentioned yesterday, I find myself getting awoken earlier and earlier every morning. But I've decided I'm not gonna complain about it.

I usually sleep pretty soundly in the morning. In fact, it's when it seems I get my best REM sleep, which may account for why I have trouble functioning during the first part of the day. I'm still trying to rouse my body from a very deep level of unconsciousness. But I notice that I seem to be sleeping less soundly in the morning recently, and it's not because of people or sounds or the rumbling of street sweepers.

Nope. The sun (or just the light from the sky on a cloudy day) is waking me up.

It's not a jolting wakeup like you get from 3am phone call or a 7am alarm going off. Nope, it's a gentle wakeup call. It's a wake-up call where your mind gradually becomes aware that there’s something out there, and it keeps nudging you closer and closer to consciousness to find out what that something is, until you eventually wake up, and realize that for the first time in so long you can’t remember you’ve been welcomed into your day by sun bouncing off of nearby houses, sun that for the past few months hasn't even risen when you wake up.

And since it would be anathema to everything for which I stand to complain about the sun, I'm not gonna.

I usually don't get back to sleep after the sun wakes me up, and for some strange reason my body and my mind don't seem to care. I don’t know if it was because my body's just naturally adapting to the circadian rhythms of the sun or if was the way in which my alarm clock for the day was so gentle in doing its job, but I seem to bound into my days in a very strange way, at least for me—not dead. In fact, on a couple of days, I've actually had energy and a willingness to face whatever's coming my day. There's no lethargic wandering around, trying not to bump into things. There was no sitting on the couch, staring at the wall for two hours while trying to summon enough energy to actually get off the couch. Nope...the sun, while waking me up early, also apparently provided me with the unique manner in which everyone should start the day.

Too bad it only works that way for a few months each year, right?


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