Friday, April 15, 2022

Friday, 4/15

I don't know how'd I'd be able to do them without his help.

As you know, I'm now almost two months into putting together the latest season of my “Pieces of the Past” video history series. I've chosen some strange topics this time around, and have been putting a lot of work into them. Because some of the subjects are ones that haven't been explored much at all in local lore, I'm having to dig deep to find visuals to include in them.

After all, you can't have a video without visuals. That's just radio, and who really wants that?


Anyway, in trying to dig up pictures & videos of these long-unexplored topics I've come to rely heavily on my pal Jack Deo (he of the “Jack & Jim” History Center shows). I can send him an outlandish request, and more often than not a couple of days later I'll get either the exact picture I was looking for or something that's so close you couldn't tell the difference. It doesn't matter how weird the request.. more often than not, Jack can dig it up.

So I would like to propose that today, April 15th, become Jack Deo Appreciation Day.  After all, that's a lot better than Tax Day, right?

Even when one of the videos I'm producing is on a subject that people know about, Jack can often come up with something not rarely seen. Case in point? The latest “Pieces”, featuring Jack himself, with clips from an old newsreel he found tossed in a dumpster, a newsreel that was shot during Marquette's centennial celebration in 1949.

History expert...dumpster diver. Is there anything Jack CAN'T do???

Have a great Easter weekend!


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